Goals as an intern

Hello everyone👋, my name is Majekodunmi Immanuel, most times refered to as Imma😇. I am a Tech Enthusiast and currently a Front-end Developer on the journey to become a Full-stack Dev. I ventured into world of tech earlier this year when i enrolled for my first internship training at [training.zuri.team], an incredible online platform through which i was able to not only acquire knowledge and skill, but to get tutored by wonderful mentors and gain support from several developers.

Now, i have recently enrolled for another internship program organized by HNG and I4G (Ingressive for good) and I'll like to share my goals or rather what i plan on achieving during this training.

° Firstly, to broaden my skills and add to my skill set as a Developer.

° To connect and build bonds with people of similar mindset who have the passion for Tech and are willing to build awesome projects.

° To become an HNG finalist and rock my HNG T-shirt 😂

° To acquire a high paying job by the end of the program.

I have found my decision of venturing into Tech in general, an amazing one, a choice i would not regret, it has been insightful and fun. Here are links to some tutorial videos i feel with be helpful for Tech newbies:

FIGMA: youtu.be/4W4LvJnNegA

GIT: youtu.be/3fUbBnN_H2c

HTML: youtu.be/UB1O30fR-EE

JAVASCRIPT: youtu.be/Qqx_wzMmFeA

PS: I was tasked to create an article and this is my first😁😂. Feel free to follow me, like and comment your thoughts of the article(Nice comment please🥺).